"thought control ..."See in text(Text of Senator Smith's Speech)
“Thought control” refers to the idea of brainwashing. Smith postulates that if no one knew anyone with controversial of differing ideas, then “thought control” would pervade as everyone would be forced to believe the same things. She portrays diversity of thought as both natural and constructive, a statement that places her in direct opposition to McCarthy, who claimed that anyone who disagreed with him was a Communist sympathizer.
"we..."See in text(Text of Senator Smith's Speech)
Smith uses the first-person plural pronoun “we” to ensure that she she is included as an object of her reprimands. Rather than talking down to her audience, Smith instead positions herself as a part of the group she is addressing, diminishing the accusatory tone of her speech.
"Surely..."See in text(Text of Senator Smith's Speech)
Smith uses the adverb “surely” to convey confidence and emphasize a firm belief that something is correct. Smith balances her criticism of the Senate’s behavior by asserting her belief that the they can and should do better. She makes her concerns an issue of pride rather than moral failure. The repetition of “‘surely” leaves no room for argument that the Senate is capable of greater moral achievement, making it a matter of whether or not it can fulfill its task.
"irresponsible words of bitterness and selfish political opportunism...."See in text(Text of Senator Smith's Speech)
The words “irresponsible,” “bitterness,” “selfish,” and “opportunism” all paint a negative picture of the political landscape. Though Smith was adamantly anti-Communist, she does not give in to the rhetoric of safety and security at any cost espoused by McCarthy and his supporters. Instead, she frames their actions as “irresponsible” and “selfish,” emphasizing the collateral damage left by their attempts to weed Communists out of the government. Rather than upholding the partisan rhetoric that glorified McCarthy and his supporters as patriotic anti-Communists, Smith essentially calls them selfish children, seditionists who are doing more harm than good.